EP Review ~ Souvenirs From Underground by Stillfilms (2024) (Self released)


Consisting of the four tracks that were released between their initial single of 2022 and January 2024 and one additional track, Still Films can be extremely proud of their debut Souvenirs From The Underground EP.
Moving forever gracefully within 80/90s jangly indie-pop chanteuse musical climes, tracks such as Safe Bet, Fader, and Spiralling take the feminine strength of Natalie Merchant-style vocals and deliver it straight through the core of hushed The Sundays-influenced jangly indie-pop, before augmenting everything with subtle shoegaze inflections that add a sense of dulcet cinematic to the surrounds.
However, as beautiful as the above dominant sound is, the outliers of the release are the tracks that truly excel. Here, How Do I juxtaposes chillwave with the dank, jangled emotionality of Dummy era Portishead sound, whereas opener  traipses firmly down the jangle-gaze roads that acts such as Castlebeat or The BV’s and labels such as Spirit Goth and Z Tapes helped furrow.
It is certainly an act that is likely to justify the pressing of every follow button that can be found.







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