EP Review – New Ramón by Maicol (2024) (Self released)


Comprising of Alejandro Ceballos (drums), Sergio Ilincheta (bass and vocals), and Julián Iturri (lead guitar and vocals), Maicol was resurrected by the core members of Spanish indie-pop acts such as Cloud Nine and Storms to Come (from the 90s and 2000s).
Separated by period influences rather than any definitive changes in quality, the opening double salvo of New Ramon and Days cradles the 60s-addled, 90s-style jangled riffs of acts such as Hanemoon, Teenage Fanclub, and Dropkick against the sort of twee, luscious jangly indie-pop that stops just short of the cutesy of tonto-pop, whilst still retaining that inimitable glorious fey that the best of Spanish indie-pop acts such as The Yellow Melodies and Madbil offer in abundance.
The final I Know and Ellipses tracks shift the sound towards modernity rather than drowning them in it as more abrasive percussion, faux power-pop riffs, and fuzz-pop subtleties dance around the indie-pop fragility to add a delicious biting ying to the saccharine sweet yang.
The band is releasing their debut album soon, and each and every “follow button” I can find has been firmly pressed to make sure I do not forget it!







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