Single review – Truck of Trouble​/​Teenage Wulver by I Wanna Be A Truck Driver (2024) (Self released)


It has been a couple of years since the impeccably named Glasgow-based duo of I Wanna Be Truck Driver sidled under the critical radar of just about every micro-blog that matters, with the exception of the always-on-point The Ginger Quiff blog (read the live gig review) when they released their glorious glas-pop assuaged, eponymous debut album.
Finally back with this (…what I am coining) double a-side Truck of Trouble/Teenage Wulver single, the act seem content to continue reveling in an aesthetic that marries the best sounds of C86 jangly indie-pop yesteryear to  slightly fey inflections that are synonymous with current glas-pop royalty such as U.S Highball.
The release commences with a Truck of Trouble track that juxtaposes the male-female vocal interplay of The Vaselines with a simplistic, jangly indie-pop that heaves of that special ‘cool factor’ that makes the BMX Bandits so endearing as it burns itself deep into the consciousness of those of us old enough to celebrate the UK indie-pop scene of the late 80’s.
The Vaselines aesthetic pervades Teenage Wulver with even more dominance to offer a track that I have no hesitation in stating is 2024’s finest jangly indie-pop offering of the year so far.
Here the male-female vocal interplay rushes headlong into the incessant drive of the earliest of The Pastels to provide a sound that feels as though it wants to augment the best of C86 with the possibilities offered by indie-pop’s modernity by an acts such as The Photocopies.
I am reliably informed that they are working on new music (oooh, hark at me getting all muso journo and pretending to have inside info that I have not just read on Instagram!) and it cannot come soon enough!




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