Single Review – Princess Song by Titi Woo (self released) (2020)

Titi Woo is the project of Tev Aviv based Russian (St.Petersburg) twins called Jody and David. Tragically, David recently passed away and as such the tracks are being  ‘polished’ and gradually released, prior to a posthumous debut album being released in October 2020.
Earlier in the month we published the simply amazing Where Are You?  single from the same album, in our Janglepophub mix and were inundated with enquiries about the act on the strength of it. This, the fourth and final single from the album perhaps even eclipses such beauty.
Essentially this tracks takes the grumbling, twanging bass brilliance of the Ryan Marquez / The Umbrella Puzzles sound and slides it under the simplistic beauty of wistful lovelorn lyrics and that slight twee-pop inflections that reminds me of The Pierce Kingans perfectly laconic Rona Sessions EP. It is a sound that does not make you work to apprciate as it sheer beauty immediately engulfs you.
So far each single from the forthcoming Pollywogs album has been absolutely stunning and the mid October 2020 release is eagerly anticipated.
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