Album Review – Vida Exterior by Kiwis (2020) (Snap! Clap! Records)

Regular readers will know that I am totally enamoured with all things jangly Spanish  twee/indie-pop. With the Snap! Clap! Records label already augmenting my collection with the total brilliance of Melenas and Autoescuela, it was no surprise that the discovery of the Kiwis also came from their camp.
Potentially this act may well become the label’s flagship act by virtue of the fact that they thrive upon ‘all’ that is good about Spanish pop sensibilities. As such Un salto en el corazón, Cambiarán las tornas and Engranatge display The Yellow Melodies  style twee-pop musings with consummate pride. All simple song structures, playfully obvious pop melodies and ear-worm insistence, this is Spanish twee that wears it’s nerd cardigan with pride.
If the above sound is always a delicious foundation, tracks such as La Llum, El dia de demà and Fer sidle towards a dynamism that takes the sound into a more anglophile indie-pop area. All subtle energies and insistent thrum, these tracks are 80’s in texture, whilst still allowing the sweet Spanish vocals to provide an irresistable sense of today.
Arguably the best tracks on the album are Un dia (tot canvia) and El Pou. These are that little bit denser in texture, offer the slightest glimpse of fuzz and thread an early The Chills style Dunedin essence through their core, adding a perfectly gritty substance to the general sense of saccharine.
For the non-spanish speakers amongst who can get past lyrical legibility and are simply prepared to just revel in the sound, then this album is a wonderfu addition to your collection.





Kiwis  –  FacebookInstagram
Snap! Clap! Records  –  FacebookTwitterInstagram

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