Album Reviews – Weird Weather by Shivery Shakes (2019) (Austin Town Hall Records)


Throughout the course of this sophomore Shivery Shakes album there is the definite potential for the aesthetic to settle for solely wallowing in the ‘absolute pretty’ of their jangled surf rock riffs.

However, this band are simply to muscular. Essentially this is jangle for non R.E.M fans who eat lots of meat! Stand out tracks like Both Ways (see below), Spooky Surf and the superlative Streetlights (see below) are all salicious jangled beauty but solidified by a tempo, intensity and anthemic vocal delivery that should be filling every indie-rock stadium in the world.

Thankfully they are just too damn cool to want ‘all that’ and have been snapped up for your listening pleasure by an Austin Town Hall Records label that have made their name by developing a roster specializing in the jangliest of bands that indie rock has to offer,

Buy it…for those times when the only way to really celebrate life is by playing music…loud…in your car…when it’s sunny…and it does not matter when you go or end up!



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