Album review: FK 3-Soledades by Los Lagos De Hinault (2020) (Fika Sound)

Eva’s Instagram profile post: “Los Lagos de Hinault en la fiesta @lafonotecabcn #lafonotecabarcelona #loslagosdehinault #québienlohemospasado”
A quirk of birth (i.e. being British) has meant that I am forever destined not to have the intellectual capacity to work out the intricacies of the languages of other peoples. A shame indeed that my dullard tendencies prevent me from learning Spanish.
For the Spaniards do jangly twee better than anyone and Los Lagos De Hinault, look capable of topping an exalted pile. Initially if you are a fan of Rafa Skam‘s superlative The Yellow Melodies, then this album will appeal on two definitive levels.
Initially, Jijí​-​jajá, La revolución, Ali Rechazarme strips away any semblance of clutter, just leaving the sweetness of male/female vocal harmonies to shyly thrive among uncomplicated, jangly twee strains. Just when you think the sound could not be any more ‘twee precious’, tracks such as Malabares, Carlitos and Poemas Raros slide tiny Autoescuela style sub 90 seconds vignettes into the mix, as if to offer an apology for any unintended over exuberance that may have gone before.
Thankfully, it is not all ‘totally’ sweet as the saccharine is perfectly diluted in tracks such as Lo Pertinente, Administración y Dirección de Empresa and Los Capricos del Querer with their attention to the prettiest partS of gregarious fuzz and the dreamier, more muscular, pop-gaze sounds (is that a thing? …it is now!) of the ridiculously jangly, lo-fi aesthetic of Metas Volantes and Peque-a-Salvaje. 
Of course Spanish twee is a very acquired taste, but if you have that sort of inclination, then this band could well be your fluffiest of new darlings.





Los Lagos De Hinault  –  Twitter
Label  –  Bandcamp  /  Facebook Twitter

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