Album Review – Cantigas de amor by Dalsi (2023) (Snap! Clap! Club)


Regular readers will know of my infatuation for anything that remotely resembles Spanish twee-pop as I regularly champion the causes of acts such as The Yellow Melodies, Autoescuela, and Alpaca Sports, as well as writing recent reviews for brilliant albums by A-8 and Monnets.
I would claim it as a personal guilty pleasure born from my softer, more sensitive side if it were not for the fact that I am way too old to bother about what anyone but family and friends think of me.
Dalsi are a quintet from Pontevedra, Spain, who flirt with the cutesy cardigan sound of the above acts but also add a further sense of childishness and toy musicianship that has been coined as ‘tontipop’ by the Spanish music press. The genre includes  well-known acts such as Los Fresones Rebeldes, La Casa Azul, and Meteosat as its pioneers.
Oozing playful sunshine and acting as a celebration for the onset of the european spring, the opening three track salvo of Cómo de triste estás hoy?, Hola creo que me molas, and the simply sublime standout of Uff… Vaya Dia skip with nothing but their socks on into incessant rhythms, fragile yet dominant toy Casio synths/programmed percussion, whilst adorable lisp-laden vocals drag the slight Spanish guitar lines into the realms of glorious melody. It just feels like the beautiful sound of kids having carefree fun when their parents have said ‘just be back before dark…’
After this trio of tracks Cantigas de amor becomes just a fraction denser and slightly more mature. Son Mis Amigos, Amor, El Paso el dia contigo and Un Dia reduce the tempo significantly to allow warm, rounded tones that are reminiscent of Madrid’s Los Lagos De Hinault, shift the sound to the closest thing that Spanish twee can get to maturity, whilst never losing the overarching sense of sun kissed melody.
Let a sense of spring consume you with the sounds of Dalsi!





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