Single Review – Faster by Anti (2024) (Faster Records)


I am a 50-something jangle-pop, indie-pop, twee pop nerd, and of course I have a “getting ready to go out to meet my mates on the one night a week (Friday is beer day) that our wives let us all out to sit around a pub table drinking an amount of lcohol that our aging bodies always regret in the morning as we talk, what can only be described as ‘absolute nonsense’ playlist…well who doesn’t?
The abovementioned playlist is one of joyous tracks containing enough energy to ensure that I walk out the door rather than take the easier option of snuggling up with the wife and kids for the night. This Faster track by Anti is the perfect fit and now heads the list with its rumbling, fuzz-pop-laden, high-energy twee-gaze essence that not only fools my mind into thinking a Friday night of excess is a good idea but also provides me with ‘that glorious quirk’ that I so desire in my music, as the noise stops suddenly to allow an 80s jangly indie-pop sound to act as a stunning, apposite finale.
Faster Records is a fledgling Indonesian-based cassette label that has already given the world the simply glorious, jangly indie-pop sounds of Race. Anti-look is set to project them into the realms of the “must-watch label” very soon!




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