EP Review – Terminal by Punchlove (2021) (We Can Do Better Than This Records)


Despite the very polite request for all music submissions to be sent elsewhere  I still get approximately 2000 ‘music mails’ a month.
Approximately 84.7% break my one solid ‘thou shalt not Tame Impala‘ rule. However, apparently there is the need for 8/10 acts to send me floaty and woozy at every opportunity.
Punchlove are my one exception to the rule. This is primarily because their ‘floaty’ is  augmented by various musical contexts that tend to appeal in the most jangly of ways.
Initially, tracks such as Disappointment of the Tropics and In Your Car take the  woozy towards the best of dream-pop modernity, on the back of jangled riffs that have the minimum of gaze laden spacious and the absolute maximum of jangly beauty. It is a sound that is only a nuance shift away from the equally stunning, bedroom-pop melancholy, of Tomorrow.
However, the very best of the release thrives upon a sense of unpersuaded sunshine. Here, In Reverse and Before, are built upon riffs that drift, despite an omnipotent introspective aura, into new levels of dynamism, courtesy of an ability to always find ‘that’ melody that gravitates everything towards ear-worm territory.
This is the first release from this Connecticut duo of Jill Olesen and Ethan Williams and it is a hugely endearing starting point.


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