Album Review – The BOTP Band Live at the Betsey Trotwood. October 13th 2018 by Bob of the Pops Band


In preparing for the release of Kevin Robertson’s (he of the The Vapour Trails fame) new solo album on our Subjangle label, my ears have been steered towards those beautiful, jangly melodies from the 60s, that genuine jangle-pop fans are never too far away from.
Leicester’s Bob of the Pops band, fits this mould perfectly and has shown throughout their volumous ‘Volumes’ covers series, that not only do they have a vast array of musical knowledge, but also that they are infiniely capable of finding jangle where there once was none, or augmenting it when it is initially abundant.
This album takes their jangle inspiration one step further by showing that they are consummate artists live, as well as in a studio. As such we see them shape shift the George Harrison penned If I Needed Someone into jangle-perfect The Byrds strata, whereas the covers Craise Finton Kirk Royal Academy of Arts (R. & B. Gibb) and Do It Again For Jeffrey (Daltrey​-​Pumer) drift towards the more subtle perfect imperfections of The Kinks sound.
Of course, anyone who is familiar with any of their covers albums, will know of their love for Teenage Fanclub and they pay no greater testament than in their version of Slow Fade, which is a more faithful representation in comparison to some of the other tracks, but deserves to be so, such is the ‘TFC quality’ of the vocals.
Along with jangly folk in the brilliant How Long (Cane​-​Kircher​-​Hare), this album moves just about everywhere in terms of 60/70s jangle-pop and is just one of those ‘moreish listens’ that is so unusual for a live album.




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